Save 47% Compare SpiderWire SpiderWire Stealth Translucent SpiderWire Stealth Translucent SpiderWire Stealth® Translucent is uniquely processed to provide high visibility to anglers above water, and less visibility to fish below. Made from Dyneema®, The... $14.99 $7.99 - $11.99 Add to Wishlist
Save 10% Compare SpiderWire SpiderWire Stealth Braid SpiderWire Stealth Braid SpiderWire Stealth is made from Dyneema, The World's Strongest Fiber! Available in Moss Green for low-visibility underwater and Hi-Vis Yellow for visibility above water... $14.99 $13.49 - $26.99 Add to Wishlist
Save 44% Compare SpiderWire UltraCast Ultimate Mono Fishing Line UltraCast Ultimate Mono The true super mono. Designed to have less stretch than typical nylon monofilaments – the bridge between nylon and superline. X-tra strong, X-tra thin, X-tra sensitive... $8.99 $4.99 - $8.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare SpiderWire SpiderWire EZ Monofilament Fishing Line - Filler Spool EZ Monofilament Fishing Line - Filler Spool SpiderWire EZ Monofilament Line is an excellent multi-purpose line that is smooth and easy to cast. This line utilizes a co-polymer monofilament formula... $5.59 - $6.59 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 8% Compare SpiderWire Stealth Fishing Line Stealth Fishing Line SpiderWire Stealth is made from Dyneema, The World's Strongest Fiber! Available in Moss Green for low-visibility underwater and Hi-Vis Yellow for visibility above water... $12.99 $11.99 - $116.49 Add to Wishlist
Save 69% Compare SpiderWire Ultracast Invisi-Braid 40-lb. 125 Yard Spool 4.0 star rating 2 Reviews Ultracast InvisiBraid, 40-lb. 125 Yard SpoolSpiderWire Ultracast Invisi-Braid's translucency technology makes this line the nearest thing to clear and invisible. In addition to it's translucency,... $15.99 $4.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 71% Compare SpiderWire Stealth Glow-Vis Braid, 300 Yard Spool 4.8 star rating 16 Reviews Stealth Glow-Vis Braid, 300 Yard Spool Glows Above Water - Low Vis Below SpiderWire Stealth® Glow-Vis Braid™ is uniquely colored with special colorants that reflect ultra-violet rays above... $34.99 $9.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist