Last Grass Hunting Blind Grass
The last grass you will ever need to put on your blind!
One Box includes 5 pounds of 'loose' individual grass strands in a color of your choice. Each strand of grass is 40" Long x 0.75" Wide. Each 5 pound box will cover roughly 12 square feet. Real coverage will vary slightly depending on how thick or thin it is applied.
A 12-foot layout boat will require approximately 40 pounds for very thick coverage.
You can use one sold color or mix and match with other colors for a specific blend to match your unique situation.
- Realistic
- Fire retardant
- Durable
- Waterproof
- Flexible
- Six realistic color options
- 5 lbs. of 'loose' individual grass
- Farm Field - Great all-around color. Excellent for cattail marsh and fence line habitat. Suitable as a good base for corn field stubble scenarios. Medium Light.
- Willow - Excellent base color for smartweed marshes, willow, and buttonbrush habitat. Can be easily "lightened up" by top dressing a lighter colored cover such as millet. Suitable for a good base for multiple dark habitat scenarios. Medium Dark.
- Buck Brush - Excellent for dark environments, be it timber or minimal cover muddy fields. Suitable for dark habitat scenarios. Darkest of the six.
- Cattail - Excellent for millet, rice, and cattail habitat, as well as bright corn stubble scenarios. Second lightest of the six.
- Corn Husk - Great all-around color for ag fields. Excellent for flooded corn and field corn stubble scenarios. Lightest of the six.
- Early Season Green - Excellent for early season green fields, cedar tree areas and winter wheat fields.
J2 Outdoors Last Grass Hunting Blind Grass