Super Strut Turkey Call Combo Kit
Our Super Strut Combo Kit includes all of the calls you need to bring in that gobbler and have a successful hunt!
The kit comes with the Suzie Snood Double Glass Wild Turkey Call with carbon striker, Hammerin' Crow Call, The Hooter Owl Call, and Premium Double D diaphragm call. From locating to hen yelps, you will have a full arsenal of calls.
- Sweet Suzie Snood has a high pitch with the right amount of rasp. Versatile calling from soft, seductive calls and wind cutting yelps. Includes a carbon striker.
- Hammerin' Crow makes an excellent gobbler locator.
- Hooter Owl provides exceptional, authentic tones with Dual Tone Ports for high- and low-pitch calling. It's design consistently produces true tones that won't vary from one call to the next. It's entirely water resistant and won't crack or expand.
Hunters Specialties Super Strut Turkey Call Combo Kit