Outdoor Gear Deer Drag
The Heavy Hauler Outdoor Gear Deer Drag Harness is constructed of 2" wide nylon webbing. Two ringed straps create loops for your trophy’s antlers, legs, or neck. Chest strap with heavy duty side release buckle and padded shoulder region combined with quality hardware makes this system strong, durable and easy to use. Designed to put the work load on the strongest part of your frame while in use. Built to drag out even the largest deer, wild hogs, predators and other large game species. Included is a Polyester, PVC coated sled with grommeted corners and blaze orange cord to wrap what you haul to make everything much easier.
- 600D polyester PVC-coated sled with grommeted corners
- 2" wide nylon webbing
- Heavy duty side release buckle
- Padded shoulder region
- Blaze orange wrapping cord