Compare 737 Thunderbird Goose Call Thunderbird Goose Call Looking for an easy-to-use, high-performance goose call? Look no further than the Thunderbird. This compact call delivers everything you need to attract and bring in lesser,... $170.00 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare 737 Tomahawk Cutdown Duck Call 4.8 star rating 5 Reviews Tomahawk Duck CallThe newest addition to our lineup, the Tomahawk is ready to cut them down. A cutdown style call, the Tomahawk incorporates classic style and combines it with modern technology to... $170.00 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare 737 Nitro Acrylic Goose Call Nitro Acrylic Goose Call The 737 NITRO Canada Goose call offers a style based on the design, shape, and size of the popular 737 Duck Calls. It is an easy-to-blow, extremely responsive short reed... $170.00 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare 737 DOS Pure Hunter Double Reed Duck Call DOS Pure Hunter Double Reed Duck Call Based on the popular 737 "No.1" design, the "DOS" double reed model was developed. Built to be more forgiving for the caller, this call is super easy to blow and... $170.00 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 50% Compare 737 Chief Single Reed Duck Call 5.0 star rating 2 Reviews Chief Duck Call Nasty. Aggressive. Dirty. Loud and in charge. Raspy as hell with lots of hold built in. Some things really do come in smaller packages… Constructed to be 30% more compact than... $170.00 $85.00 - $170.00 Add to Wishlist
Save 50% Compare 737 Savage Acrylic Single Reed Duck Call Savage Acrylic Duck Call The “Savage” is the newest call on the 737 lineup. It is a “callers” call and in a sense the more aggressive younger brother to the No. 1 due to a larger exhaust allowing... $170.00 $85.00 - $170.00 Add to Wishlist
Compare 737 No. 1 Single Reed Duck Call No. 1 Duck Call This is the single reed call that doesn’t leave the lanyard. From vast open water setups to tight forested sloughs, the "No. 1" is a do-it-all, get-it-done call. With lots of... $170.00 Add to Wishlist